Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Candidate for Ogden City Council

Mary Khalaf is a wife, mother, former federal officer & adviser who has operated The Khalaf House, a safe space for wellness, for 12 years.
Having served her community through meeting their mental wellness needs alongside her work of cultural awareness has given Mary a pulse on the needs of everyday Americans & she would like to carry forth her experiences into public service.
Having overcome and currently battling cancer has instilled a need in Mary to make a difference in ...the world around her with the time God has provided.
Mary is a Constitutional Conservative who believes many of our Nation's problems can be resolved through adhering to Constitutional Principles such as smaller Government, lower taxes, State + Personal + Property Rights & inclusion of the common man in politics.
Utah is growing & one of the best States to live in because we adhere to Conservative fiscal + social values. It's important to Mary to preserve these values for our children who are risk of being taxed into slavery through bureaucracy & poor management.
The wife of an Iraqi immigrant gives Mary a unique window into the needs of our growing immigrant community & she hopes she can help Ogden's immigrant community prosper while integrating into the fabric of the city.
Mary cares about all people in Ogden & would like to ensure that we all can prosper no matter our origins.
Vote Khalaf!

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