Sunday, August 27, 2017

Respecting those who are different.

It's easy to be around people like yourself.
We join FB groups with people just like us.
We only go to our own Church.
We attend rallies of those who only share our ideas.
We associate only with people who think, talk or even vote like us.
It's really hard to go around people who we see as different.
We may feel they don't like us.
We may feel scared to reach out.
We might even feel we are too superior to be around people who are different.
At the end of the day we are all people.
People who want their freedom of thought, expression & choices.
We may be different but we don't serve ourselves, each other & society by being only around those similar to us.
Try to be around people who are not exactly like you & learn how you are more alike than not.
Sometimes it's our own selves holding ourselves back through fear or anger by refusing to respect, tolerate & associate with others.
In our differences are strengths.
Be different.

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